Kundalini: The Base Chakra

Posted on May 29, 2018, by Annu Sachdeva

Our first chakra at the base of spinal column is the kundalini. Its sanskrit name is "Muladhar" meaning foundation or root. This is the base of our inner and outer development. Here we connect with the physical world of nature and our environment.

If our base chakra is balanced it gives us material success and we are more content in our pursuit of emotions like happiness, joy, hope and contentment. All these positive emotions are wonderful for the health and vitality of all the other chakras.

Every individual has a different level of understanding and mastery over this chakra. We are here to learn some lessons at this level and use the ideas given here as a springboard to use in our daily life, to clean and balance the energies of our first chakra.

We have been subconsciously led to believe that the spirit is good and the body is bad, so we should only concentrate on our spiritual evolvement and ignore the body. But without a good and healthy body one cannot grow spiritually.

Our body is the matter in which the spirit descends and plays a unique song which can be melodious or out of harmony depending on our energies.

We should also care for our actual homes as this directly affects our creative and happiness quotient. Beautiful homes soothe our soul and make us feel more fulfilled.

Our Chakras work on the principle of balance, so while we need to value the material things we need not be over attached to things, as this can make us materialistic. Even a poor person can be materialistic if he is overly concerned about his possessions or lack of them and resents those who have more than he does. To have enough is to be rich and that 'enough" is different for everyone. we are just visitors on this planet, so lighter the baggage the better it is.

Sri Aurobindo, one of our spiritual leaders thought that it is not necessary to renounce all money but being overly attached to it is unhealthy. So mastery over this chakra ensures we maintain a balance but nurture the inner essence more than the outer.

Happy relationships too are formed with balanced chakras. If even one of the partners has not developed his/her strong roots there is overdependence and this can kill the space between them and make way for unhealthy partnerships. " Let there be spaces in your togetherness' Kahlin Gibran wrote. "Stand together, yet not too near together, for the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the Oak tree and Cypress grow not in each other's shadow."

We need to love our partners but not idolise them as then we would short circuit our spiritual path. There is one relationship that no one can replace and no one can fill. If you try to put someone else in place of GOD you would always be disappointed. There is a certain place in your being where only you and God can go. If we idolise anything- to the exclusion of spiritual life, then that thing may be taken away, for the simple reason that we come back on track.

Once the balance is gained we may be able to reincorporate what was taken away and get it back in our life again.

What to do to balance our base Chakra?

For this we need to strengthen our connection with mother nature. The best way to do that is to sit on the ground, grass, mud , sand or simply on your floor. This reconnects it to our roots and we are able to think more deeply and to feel more keenly.

Healing takes place at this level and healing through nature is a very effective way to balance the negatives in our lives. Working with earth ie gardening, plants and animals increase our sensitivity to life. All of us have the magic inside us to be happy, balanced and healed.

Our intuitive and caring energies maintain relationships. Thus a balanced base chakra gives care without being possessive or smothering. We become sensitive to the needs of others for eg A plant does not not tell us when the soil becomes dry but die slowly, same is with people who dont often say what their problem is, but we have to look for signsand do the needful. So a sullen face may be a sign of attracting attention and not necessarily dislike.

That is why if a child is seperated from his mother at birth or otherwise when young he/she finds it difficult to nurture himself as an adult and ignores his soul needs.

Do little things that make you happy in times of distress. It could be writing poems or listening to music or something as simple as going for a walk in the park or playing with a child. You choose your own vocation. 

Conserve your Energy-

People who conserve their energy are more joyous, creative and more in control of their lives. We all are allotted a certain amount of spiritual energy which empower us to speak, feel, think and act. We have a free will to save this further by doing spiritual loving deeds or we can waste this energy through unbalanced activities which dont add value at all to our vitality. 

Excessive talking, outbursts of anger, criticising others, non forgiveness, excessive sexual activity ,jealousy or obsession with material objects , feeling sorry for ourselves, remembering the past and excessive worry about the future are all activities which spoil the energy of our base chakra.

When we refrain from wasting our energy, our Kundalini rises to nourish the other chakras and a spiritual energy awakens in us which gives us immense happiness. If this energy is stopped at only the physical level then there is too much energy at our base level. This energy may result in extreme anger, physical abuse or perverted sexual activity.

Too much sex or too little sex both are an imbalance, so if we treat our relationships as sacred we are on the right path. Never get into a relationship to mark time.